Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dammit Dolls

 I made a bunch of these little dolls for my girlfriends this holiday season.  They’re great stress relievers! (mine’s been thrown at a wall or two)

What you’ll need:
-       Fabric (how much you need depends on how big you make the dolls.  I used about 1/3 yard (maybe a bit less) for each doll, which was 4” x 7”).
-       Stuffing (I used fiberfill but cotton or anything else works too)
-       Sewing machine (optional, but will make your life easier)
-       Needle
-       Thread to match your fabric
-       Buttons (for the eyes)
-       Red embroidery floss (for the mouth)
-       Heart charm (optional)

What to do:
1.     Start by drawing yourself a pattern on paper.  You can draw it anyway you want; just make sure it’s not too big.
2.     Place your pattern on top of your fabric (fold the fabric in two so that you’re cutting out two identical pieces).
3.     Cut out your doll, leaving about ½” all the way around the pattern.
4.     On the machine, sew the two halves of your doll together (inside out), leaving one side of it open (it’s easiest to leave the arm-pit to thigh area on one side open) to put in the stuffing.
5.     While the doll is still inside out, sew on the eyes, heart, and mouth.
6.     Turn your doll right side out.
7.     Stuff your doll (use a knitting needle, chopstick, etc. to push the stuffing into the arms, legs, and head)
8.     Sew the open side shut with a needle and thread
9.     OPTIONAL: I made little cards with poems to go along with each doll.  I also attached a handful of pushpins.
*The poem reads: when you want to kick the desk or throw a phone and shout, here’s a little dammit doll you cannot do without, just grasp it firmly by the legs, and find a place to slam it, and as you whack it’s stuffing out, yell, dammit, dammit, dammit!

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